
香港商工会ビジネス・スクール・パートナーシップ・プログラム 2023 – Company Visit from Man Kwan QualiEd College


2024年6月25日(火)に香港商工会主催のビジネス・スクール・パートナーシップ・プログラムにおいて、萬鈞匯知中學中學 (Man Kwan QualiEd College)の生徒たちが、弊所へ社会見学に来てくれました。



今回も弊所のパートナーであり公認会計士であるパトリックウォンより会計業界について、また一般的な会計士や公認会計士の役割と責任について紹介しました。 さらには、人工知能(AI)が会計や会計業界に与える影響についても説明し、弊所による見解についてもお話ししました。 生徒たちは、私たちの業界について質問を投げかけたり、私たちの日々の仕事に興味を示してくれたりようで、学生たちからはたくさんの参考となる感想をいただくことができました。







On 25th June (Tuesday), we had a company visit by a school with sharing as below:



Programme Business-School Partnership Programme 2023 organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
Matching Aoba CPA Limited and Man Kwan QualiEd College
School  萬鈞匯知中學中學 Man Kwan QualiEd College
Date & Time of Event 25th June (Tuesday) 12:45 to 14:00
Theme Company Visit and Career Sharing
Number of Persons from School 19 Form 5 students, with 1 teacher
Speakers from Aoba Mr Patrick Wong (director)




I introduced our professional accounting industry as well as the role and responsibilities of a typical accountant and CPA. We also explained and commented on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Accounting and our Accounting Industry. Good feedbacks were given by some students with raising questions about our industry and showing interest in our daily work.


Through this career sharing, I shared a lot about the requirement of corporate social responsibility of a company/firm and even of each of the staff. I do hope the students can take this seriously in the future and try their best to contribute most to our community. This is one of the meaningful and important messages to be conveyed to every one of them.















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